UK Self-Assessment Tax Returns

Personalised assistance with the UK Self-Assessment Tax Return process. 
Pay the right tax in the right place at the right time.

Self Assessment Tax Returns from UK tax advisors based in Stafford with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.

UK tax compliance for all our clients

Many people who receive income in or from the UK are required to fill in a UK Self-Assessment form to see if they need to pay tax in the UK and how much.

The UK Self-Assessment process requires detailed information about income and where it comes from whether from within the UK, overseas or both. This information is required by the UK HMRC every year.

If you think you might need to complete a UK Self-Assessment Tax Return, we can offer personalised assistance with the Self-Assessment process to make sure you pay the right amount of tax, in the right place, at the right time.

At LSR Partners, a very significant part of our Practice is completing self-assessment tax returns on behalf of our clients.

By engaging LSR Partners, you can select different levels of support and assistance for your filing. Our standard service provides you with an interactive and intuitive online questionnaire which provides an ideal way of submitting the information we require. Or, you can choose to provide your information in person, or through an online video call with one of our specialists.

What you need to know

The majority of UK taxpayers pay all required tax through the ‘Pay As You Earn’ system. This is a process whereby employers are required by law to deduct income tax from an individual’s salary prior to paying them their net earnings. However, if an individual meets certain criteria (as detailed below), they may be required to file a Self-Assessment tax return. It’s worth noting that your employer doesn’t always get the tax deductions from your salary right – and in come instances (eg if you change jobs during the year), you may be entitled to a tax refund for overpaying income tax.

You must complete an SATR if any of the following applied to you during the tax year:

You were self-employed as a sole trader and earned more than £1,000
You were a partner in a business partnership
You had total taxable income of more than £100,000
You had a Capital Gains Tax (CGT) liability
You had to pay the High Income Child Benefit Charge
You had untaxed income – such as savings and investment income, or property rental income

What you can expect from us

A personalised service which places each client at the centre of our work
Best-in-class expertise, professionalism and timeliness
An unrelenting attention to detail
Providing UK tax clarity across all aspects of individual financial affairs

“They guided me through the process and calmed my nerves about taxes and being a UK non-resident.”

Camilla Wilson
Foreign individual moving to the UK
LSR Partners - UK tax clarity for global clients
We are a firm of UK tax advisors with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.
BOOK A CONSULTATIONICAEW Chartered Accountants, Expat tax experts.
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