Relocation Tax Planning and Support

Clarifying your UK tax obligations whether you are moving to or from the UK.
Pay the right tax in the right place at the right time.

Relocation tax planning and support from UK tax advisors based in Stafford with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.

Moving to the UK

Moving to the UK - It is important for people moving to the UK to understand what their UK tax obligations are.

Moving away from the UK

It is important for people moving away from the UK or staying abroad for periods of time during the year, to understand how these choices will impact their UK tax payments.

In both cases, we would recommend that you seek advice about how your UK tax bill will be impacted by where you decide to live and for how long. We recommend you take advice because failure to pay the right UK tax could have financial and legal consequences.

Moving to the UK

What you need to know

Residency and relocation issues are at the heart of our Practice. The majority of our clients are either located overseas but have UK tax issues to consider or are in the UK but in the process of departing. We offer a comprehensive service across expert tax briefings, written residency advice through to non-resident tax returns.
Deep experience on Residency and Domicile
Specialised advice for expats both inside and outside the UK
A personalised service tailored to our clients’ exact circumstances
High quality service for globally minded individuals

What you can expect from us

Moving to the UK

If you are planning to move to the UK, we offer an ‘Arrival Briefing’ service which provides information and advice about UK tax requirements and how they specifically impact you.

Our ‘UK Arrival Briefing’ consists of an initial detailed conversation so that we can understand your specific circumstances and advise you accordingly. We will then provide you with a copy of that conversation and advice so that you know what to do regarding your financial affairs and UK taxation when you arrive in the UK.

By offering this service, we want to help make your move to the UK easier by providing all the advice and support you need to make sure that you pay the right amount of UK tax in the right place at the right time.

Additionally, if you are unsure about your UK residency status and whether this means you need to pay tax, we can also provide advice on the UK’s 'Statutory Residence Test', which is an assessment used to understand whether individuals are resident in the UK for tax purposes.

Moving from the UK

If you are planning to move outside of the UK or planning to spend significant amounts of time away from the UK, we offer a ‘UK Departure Briefing’ service. This service allows us to assess the impact of moving abroad on your specific UK tax bill and advise you accordingly.

By offering this service, we aim to help make your move abroad easier and reassure you that we will keep you updated with any relevant changes in UK tax regulations.

Also, as a registered tax agent, we are able to submit Tax Returns electronically for our clients wherever they are based in the world. So, if you are a non-UK resident needing to pay tax in the UK and you choose us to help you, we can help make this process simpler for you.

“ They helped me figure out what I needed to do as a consultant working for a UK startup from overseas”

Rosa Elena Tachna
Foreign individual with UK assets
LSR Partners - UK tax clarity for global clients
We are a firm of UK tax advisors with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.
BOOK A CONSULTATIONICAEW Chartered Accountants, Expat tax experts.
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