
UK Tax Clarity for Global Clients. 
Pay the right tax in the right place at the right time.


Updates and information for our global clients

UK tax regulations for expats, overseas citizens and UK tax residents is a complex and ever-changing landscape. Stay up-to-date with insighta and information on what you need to know to stay compliant.
August 1, 2024
Worried about tax changes? Here’s what we know so far: Capital Gains Tax

Over the past couple of posts, we have been trying to respond to questions and concerns that our clients have expressed about possible tax changes coming under the new Government. Needing to raise an estimated £50bn to fund their spending promises, we know that money needs to be found somewhere and as accountants, we are […]

July 30, 2024
Worried about tax changes? Here’s what we know so far: Pensions

Nearly a month after our new Government took power, there continues to be an increasing number of questions and concerns about how they are going to finance their spending promises. Many of you are beginning to ask us what the potential implications for your taxes could be under this new administration. Understanding your concerns, we […]

July 16, 2024
One week with a new Government, do we know any more?

So, the polling stations have gone back to their day jobs, TV schedules have returned to some kind of normality, and our Labour Government is finding its feet in Westminster. Even though it is still early days in this new political era, we wanted to share some of our initial thoughts about what the next […]

July 3, 2024
What are you looking for in tomorrow's election?

As experts in UK taxation, here are four things we will be looking out for after tomorrow: As the election approaches, we are as curious as anyone to know what is going to happen. With our accountancy hats on and our clients in mind, we can’t help but be particularly curious to hear how the […]

June 14, 2024
What is Overseas Workday Relief?

Overseas Workday Relief (OWR) can be a valuable tax relief available to UK tax residents who spend part of their working time abroad, allowing individuals to exclude income earned from duties performed overseas from their UK tax liability, provided certain conditions are met. OWR can significantly reduce your UK tax burden, making it worthy of […]

May 31, 2024
Essential tax considerations when planning to leave the UK

If you're thinking about moving away from the UK, you should consider various implications for your UK taxes. Ideally, these considerations should be addressed before your departure. Here are key points to keep in mind: UK Tax Residence Status Firstly, you'll need to determine your future UK tax residence status. This involves answering a few […]

May 9, 2024
Double Tax treaties

There is a common misconception amongst expats and those with financial interests in and overseas that because two countries have a 'double tax treaty' agreement in place, they will just automatically be paying the right tax to the right place. In an ideal world, this would be true however, it doesn't always work like that […]

May 1, 2024
Relocating to the UK

If you are relocating to the UK there will be tax implications for you to consider, especially if you continue to have income and gains coming into the UK from overseas.  Should you be taxed using the remittance basis or the arising basis? What about investments, Capital Gains Tax, or tax reliefs? There are some […]


“Responsive and efficient at handling non-resident tax matters.”

David Mikkel
Private individual
LSR Partners - UK tax clarity for global clients
We are a firm of UK tax advisors with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.
BOOK A CONSULTATIONICAEW Chartered Accountants, Expat tax experts.
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