HMRC – Compliance and Communications

Personalised assistance in communicating with HMRC (HM Revenue and Customs). 
Pay the right tax to the right place at the right time.

HMRC compliance and communications from UK tax advisors based in Stafford with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.

HMRC Compliance

As experts in UK personal taxation, we provide anyone with financial interests in or outside of the UK, holistic advice and support about the specific tax implications for their individual circumstances, communicating with HMRC to keep them compliant. This includes anyone with a wealth portfolio or assets that span across multiple countries.

We provide individuals with advice and support on all aspects of UK personal tax including:

HMRC Communications

His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is the national taxing authority of the UK. 

In order to make sure that tax is paid correctly, HMRC uses different Tax Return forms to process and collect financial information from individuals and businesses.

If an individual is not used to the UK taxation system or if they have many different business or financial interests, then communication with HMRC can become confusing, especially if English is not their first language.

What you need to know

Moving internationally

It is important for people moving away from the UK or even staying abroad for periods of time during the year, to understand the impact of these moves on their UK tax bill.

Also, for people moving to the UK, it is important for them to understand which UK tax regulations are specifically relevant to them so that they pay the correct amount of UK tax.

Before anyone decides to move internationally, it is worth them taking advice about how this might impact their UK tax affairs because failure to pay the correct amount of UK tax can have legal and financial consequences.

If you are thinking of moving internationally, or spending significant amounts of time abroad, we can provide expert advice about this might impact your UK tax.

Non-UK residents with UK assets

It is important for non-UK residents who have financial and business interests in the UK such as owning UK assets or property, to understand which UK tax regulations are relevant to them and what UK tax they need to pay. It is important because failure to pay the correct amount of UK tax can have legal and financial consequences.

If you are a non-UK resident owning property or assets in the UK, we offer expert advice on your specific UK tax requirements and payments. We can also provide you with personalised assistance to help ensure that you provide the right information to pay the correct amount of UK tax in the right place at the right time.

UK residents with overseas assets

It is important that UK citizens and residents who have financial and business interests overseas understand how these interests may impact the amount of UK tax they have to pay. It is important because failure to pay the correct amount of UK tax can have legal and financial consequences.

If you are a UK citizen or resident with financial and business interests overseas, we can provide expert tailored advice about how these interests might impact the amount of UK tax you pay. We can also provide personalised assistance to help ensure that you provide the right information to pay the correct amount of UK tax in the right place at the right time.

Communicating with HMRC

In order to make sure that tax is paid correctly, HMRC uses different tax return forms to process and collect financial information from individuals and businesses. 

If an individual is not used to the UK taxation system or if they have many different business or financial interests, then communication with HMRC can become confusing, especially if English is not their first language.

If HMRC want to check that tax is being paid correctly, they may seek further information about an individual or business by undertaking their own investigations, talking to financial authorities overseas or gaining information from other sources. An HMRC investigation into an individual or business will mean a significant increase in the amount of communication with HMRC. These investigations can take a lot of time and often require a lot more information. 

As a firm, we are a registered agent with HMRC. This means that we can communicate with HMRC on behalf of our clients. 

If you would like advice and support communicating with HMRC, we can communicate with them on your behalf. This includes talking to them about:
Tax investigations
Complex tax questions and queries
Tax returns
Certificate of Residence
P85 forms
Double Taxation Treaty Relief application form

What you can expect from us

Timely and professional communication with HMRC
Deep expertise to ensure the optimal client outcome
Expert navigation of HMRC requirements
Experience across the entire range of HMRC communications
When working with clients in relation to HMRC compliance issues, or just helping our clients with communication with HMRC, we will always make sure our interactions are on a timely basis. Our approach is to represent our clients to the best of our ability to ensure that they meet their obligations with HMRC, but in the way that serves our clients’ best interests.

“Extremely helpful, concise and knowledgeable on my particular issues. I will consult in the future for all my accountancy requirements.”

Eibh Ni Dhubhghaill
Foreign individual moving to the UK
LSR Partners - UK tax clarity for global clients
We are a firm of UK tax advisors with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.
BOOK A CONSULTATIONICAEW Chartered Accountants, Expat tax experts.
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