Tax Advisory

Comprehensive, holistic and tailored expat and UK tax advice.
Pay the right tax in the right place at the right time.

Tax Advisory from UK tax advisors based in Stafford with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.

Personalised advice for each client

Because every individual’s tax needs will vary depending on their own specific circumstances, we use our expertise of the UK taxation system to provide tailored UK tax advice and support to individuals based all over the world.

So, wherever you are based in the world, if you have financial interests in the UK, we can provide you with comprehensive, holistic and tailored advice to make sure that you pay the right UK tax, in the right place, at the right time.

What you need to know

LSR Partners provides advice across the entire range of UK tax for individuals. As our clients often have complex tax affairs involving multiple jurisdictions, we have very significant experience in helping them navigate complex issues around residency, domicile and the ways in which the tax systems of different countries interact through the complex web of Double Taxation Agreements.

We also provide tax planning advice. This can be in relation to the disposal of assets, planning retirement, or optimising inheritance tax exposure. We provide this advice through written reports and consultation conferences either in person or over video conferences.
Advisory services tailored to specific needs
Best-in-class professionalism and delivery
Bespoke advice tailored to our clients’ precise requirements
High quality delivery on a timely basis

What you can expect from us

Our advisory services are provided either in writing or through a consultation call. When we’re engaged to provide advice, you can expect us to lay out all of your tax options, provide you with critical analysis of those options along with the risks and considerations of a particular approach.

“Fantastic at explaining in simple terms what was required to satisfy the HMRC's requirements.”

Tom Nunn
UK individuals with overseas assets
LSR Partners - UK tax clarity for global clients
We are a firm of UK tax advisors with specific expertise in UK tax regulations for those with financial interests both in the UK and abroad.
BOOK A CONSULTATIONICAEW Chartered Accountants, Expat tax experts.
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